Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Finding rest

Julie and I are enjoying a two week break in the Rockies. We were both tired, and the opportunity to get away together has been a real blessing. We've enjoyed the beauty of creation, as well as the slower pace of vacation. We needed the rest.

But modern communication keeps us grounded in reality. Through cell phones and e-mails we learned that an old friend our age died of cancer. We felt sadness for those left behind.

And then we discover that our dog became quite ill while we were gone. We had suspected something for awhile, and is is confirmed that cancer has advanced and he is very, very sick. When we return, our four-legged friend won't be there to greet us. I'll really miss the only other male in our house.

As much as we try to avoid the realities of pain in the world, we can't. Since Adam's fall in Genesis, death and hurt are our constant companions--we simply can't escape those realities. But we can find rest in the person of Jesus Christ. I simply cannot imagine trying to deal with all the hurt with out the perspective of Jesus' rest.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear the news, Andy. I'm sure Dad has talked to you about when Nellie passed away.

Jennifer Russell said...

Andy & Julie,
I am sorry to hear about your friend who passed away as well as your dog's illness. Glad to hear that you are having a restful time - pack up some of the sereneness and bring it home with you! You are missed here at home! Vic has done a great job the past two Sundays.